Saturday, January 03, 2009

My New Toy

We finally got a family plan for our cellphone needs now that our kids are into adolescence. The kids are going to more games, and keeping in touch via cellpones with reliable network is a must.  I was the only one who got a cellphone with features more complicated than just being a phone and a cam. They all got the same motorola phone with cam feature, and it can be used also to send email. But I chose to have this blackberry curve not only because I have internet with it, but mainly for the PDA applications. I had been using the PDA Palm TX before, but I felt so limited with that in that I could not use it for internet purposes unless I am at home, and I do sometimes need internet while at work.

I was thinking that with this blackberry curve as my cellphone/PDA, I probably will be more inclined to study for USMLE. :)
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