Monday, March 14, 2005

Major corrections I made

These are only some major errors.
A well (29:03) in a (29:03) splint. Her fingers are warm and well-profused. She does have a normal sensory exam, but in the median of this, she reports it is tingling. She has full motion of her right hip without pain. She does have pain when I try to extend her leg. She is tender at the posterior thigh. The knee has no effusion. There is tenderness medially. No instability. Normal neurological exam distally.

Physical examination reveals a well forearm which is in a sugartong splint. Her fingers are warm and well-perfused. She does have a normal sensory exam, but in the median nerve distribution, she reports it is tingling. She has full motion of her right hip without pain. She does have pain when I try to extend her leg. She is tender at the posterior thigh. The knee has no effusion. There is tenderness medially, with no instability. Normal neurological exam distally.

(Things that an ordinary MT, inexperienced, would not comprehend...Did she know that the carpal tunnel syndrome assessment in this case was brought forth by that PE finding of tingling sensation on the median nerve distribution? Only a doctor can understand that. Now, if only MT companies who turned down my application would understand that...Well, it's their loss.)

from "culture insensitivity" to culture and sensitivity"

Other errors were minor.

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